About Me

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Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
I am a wife,mother,and nana learning to live with a disorder called Chiari1 Malformation with syringomelyia & other disorders all related to the chiari.I traveled a long journey too find results and my wish is to help others find help thru my experiences.I have given up a career I worked hard at for over 3 decades, but the 1 thing that I lost, is I am unable to be the mother I had planned and should be to my daughters, and that by far is the greatest loss of all.I was happy to have validation but accepting limitations is difficult for one who was so active and independent and wanted so much more for my children, as we all do as parents. I made friendships that are more valuable to me than any pill. They make me smile, laugh, and cry,but most of all they saved me from the aloneness.My wish. after a cure is that someday I can turn to a neighbor, new friend, or even a medical professional and when I say I have Chiari the answer will not be "Chiari what is that?" Wellcome to my journey into discovering all I can about my disorders and try to bring awareness and maybe share a laugh with someone and let them know that they too will never have to travel this road alone.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Video that was on discovery health mysterious diseases.

marissa's journey.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

big headache news article

the news aricle on abc news what if you had a headache and no one knew what was causing it.

More new chiari articles

Why can't this man have brain surgery?.

So many stories that can help to get the word out, thanks for letting me share them..........

As always I pray for you all to be healthy and happy
your chiari sister sheila