Let's face it. . . chronic illness can have its humorous moments if we look for them.
You know you have a chronic illness when...
You understand all the medical terminology discussed on the T.V. show Grey's Anatomy.
When you hear the term "Club Med" you automatically think of the hospital.
You ask your child to open the "child-proof" bottles of medicine because your hands are too sore.
Your medical records have to be transported on a cart.
To entertain people at parties you recite the side effects of medications as if you are the voice over on a commercial.
Your favorite Oprah program is when Dr. Oz is on.
To get rid of boredom on road trips, your whole family can go through the alphabet and name a drug that starts with each letter of the alphabet.
When you're unable to sleep because of pain, you watch "The Jerry Springer Show" and feel like you actually have a life.
Your spelling has improved dramatically, especially on words like "fibromyalgia" and "osteoporosis."
Or you've been "Around the World in Thirty Minutes" with CNN's Headline News 57 times in one sitting.
You have a panic attack in public and say, "Praise God this is only the fourth one today!"
You're invited to the wedding of the gal who works at the hospital lab.
You're child thinks watching you do injections of medication is "cool."
You have a flashback and don't know what happened and can honestly say, "I don't know where I was or what I was doing but I'll make
something up if you'd like."
Copyright, Lisa Copen, Reprint permission granted if the following is included:
Reprinted with permission of Lisa Copen, Copyright 2007, National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week,
Top 10 things NOT to say to a chronically ill person
See the Rest Ministries/hopekeepers T-shirt with this saying on the back!
10. You can't be in that much pain
9. Stop being lazy and get a job
8. You just want attention
7. Your illness is caused by stress
6. No pain. . . no gain!
5. It's all in your head
4. If you just got out of the house...
3. You're so lucky to get to stay in bed all day.
2. Just pray harder
1. But you look so good!
Copyright, Lisa Copen, Reprint permission granted if the following is included:
Reprinted with permission of Lisa Copen, Copyright 2007, National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week,
About Me

- Sheila
- Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
- I am a wife,mother,and nana learning to live with a disorder called Chiari1 Malformation with syringomelyia & other disorders all related to the chiari.I traveled a long journey too find results and my wish is to help others find help thru my experiences.I have given up a career I worked hard at for over 3 decades, but the 1 thing that I lost, is I am unable to be the mother I had planned and should be to my daughters, and that by far is the greatest loss of all.I was happy to have validation but accepting limitations is difficult for one who was so active and independent and wanted so much more for my children, as we all do as parents. I made friendships that are more valuable to me than any pill. They make me smile, laugh, and cry,but most of all they saved me from the aloneness.My wish. after a cure is that someday I can turn to a neighbor, new friend, or even a medical professional and when I say I have Chiari the answer will not be "Chiari what is that?" Wellcome to my journey into discovering all I can about my disorders and try to bring awareness and maybe share a laugh with someone and let them know that they too will never have to travel this road alone.
Friday, September 5, 2008
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